Monica Gabrielle,
co-chair of Skyscraper
Safety Campaign,
joins victims' families
in Washington, DC on
June 11, 2002
to demand
Presidential Commission
to study 9/11 Intelligence Failures.
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The Skyscraper Safety Campaign (SSC) was created by the Regenhard Family
in memory of Christian Michael Otto Regenhard, a 28 year old Probationary Firefighter who
remains missing at the WTC, along with his entire Engine Company 279, to this date. Originally
conceived as "Parents of Probies", to represent the 17 Probationary Firefighters lost at the
WTC, the organization quickly expanded to include the families of all Firefighters, Emergency
Workers, and civilian victims of 9/11. Co-Chairperson Monica Gabrielle lost her husband
Richard, who was an employee of Aon Corp., WTC2/103 floor. He was last seen alive, waiting to
be rescued, on the 78th Floor of Tower 2. He has not been recovered.
The goals of the Skyscraper Safety Campaign are:
- To have a Federal Comprehensive Investigation, with subpoena power, into the
collapse of the WTC, including design, construction, evacuation procedures and fire
fighting techniques.
- To encourage better compliance with building and fire codes in NYC and
nationwide, thereby safeguarding Firefighters, as well as persons who must live and work in
- To educate "codes groups" to allow the Fire Service to have more input
into writing Building Codes. We call for at least 50% of all codes groups to be composed of
representatives of the Fire Service and the academic field of Fire Science Engineering.
(Existing groups are composed of builders, developers, financiers and bureaucrats who know
little about Fire and Life Safety.)
- To ensure that all future WTC development by the Port Authority of New York
& New Jersey be characterized by quality, safety, security and New York City codes
We are gratified to report that our first goal has
been accomplished. The Investigation of the Collapse of the WTC has commenced. The
first meeting of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Investigation of
the Collapse of the WTC was held in NYC on June 24, 2002. For ongoing information about
the WTC Investigation, visit wtc.nist.gov. Much work remains to be done. It is
imperative that all members of the public support the principles of the Skyscraper Safety Campaign.
Our second goal is being realized as we
applaud the work of NYC Mayor Mike Bloomberg and the NYC Buildings Department Commissioner
Patricia Lancaster, in focusing on ensuring the safety and security of buildings in NYC.
We continue to work on accomplishing
all the goals of The Skyscraper Safety Campaign.
In two congressional hearings in March and May of 2002
regarding the collapse of the WTC, Congress determined that the aftermath of the 9/11
collapse was characterized by the absence of a comprehensive investigation, a lack of
cooperation and no clear lines of authority among the federal, state and NYC governments. This
hampered any possible investigation and led to the destruction of the steel evidence of the
WTC in addition to other serious problems.
In memory of our beloved lost Firefighters and other WTC victims,
Congressman Sherwood Boehlert (NY) and the House of Representatives Science Committee have
created "The National Construction Safety Team Act," which is modeled on the National
Transportation Safety Board (NTSB). This will provide an immediate response and
investigation of catastrophic building collapse and other such emergencies throughout the
USA. The Skyscraper Safety Campaign applauds Congressman Boehlert, who is truly one of the
greatest friends of the Fire Service in Congress today. He deserves the profound gratitude
of all Americans for his proactive response to the catastrophe of 9/11.
In the aftermath of 9/11/01, the
SSC has engaged in a local and national outreach effort to educate the public and to promote
the principles of skyscraper safety. We have embarked upon national speaking tours,
addressing Fire Departments from New York, to Indiana, and California. In addition, we work
with a variety of community and public interest groups concerned with fire safety and fire
prevention in skyscrapers and other buildings. The purpose of our work is to promote the
principles of the SSC, and to encourage Firefighters to become proactive for their own
welfare in calling for public education and building safety throughout the USA.
We could never have
gotten this far without the support of the families of the victims, both FDNY and
civilian, and the assistance of dedicated professionals in the fields of fire science, fire
protection engineering, structural engineering and professional members of the fire service.
Glenn Corbett, Professor of Fire Science at John Jay College (NYC) provided the professional
support, technical and academic guidance, and moral integrity which helped to make the SSC
possible. We are honored to say that he was the only NYC professional selected to testify at
the 2002 Congressional Hearings on the Collapse of the WTC. In March, 2003, Professor
Corbett was appointed to the federal advisory committee of The National Construction Safety
Team, which will oversee the federal investigation of the collapse of the WTC. This is a
three year, $16m investigation conducted by The National Institute Of Standards And
Technology (NIST). We are extremely proud of Professor Corbett and all the members of the
Professional Advisory Panel of The Skyscraper Safety Campaign.
Honored members of our Professional Advisory Panel of nationally renowned experts include
- Chief Andrew Casper (Ret.) former Fire Commissioner of San Francisco, CA
- Prof. Glenn Corbett, Fire Protection Engineer & Asst. Prof. of Fire Science, John Jay College, NYC
- Deputy Chief Vincent Dunn (FDNY Ret.) Acclaimed expert in fire safety & high rise building collapse
- Roger Morse, AIA, Architect & Forensic Building Investigator
- Jack Murphy of The Fire Safety Directors Association of Greater New York
- Jake Pauls, CPE, High-Rise Evacuations Specialist
- Dr. Jim Quintiere, Professor of Fire Protection Engineering, University of Maryland
- Norman Siegel, eminent civil rights attorney
- Michael Trencher, RA, Prof. of Architecture, Pratt Institute, NYC
- and many other valued professionals.
Please visit the following websites:

DISCLAIMER NOTICE: The material contained herein on the Skyscraper Safety
Campaign site reflects the official position of the Skyscraper Safety
Campaign, and we endorse only the groups listed on our site. The linking
of the Skyscraper Safety Campaign site, without permission, is prohibited.
The use of the name of the Skyscraper Safety Campaign or names of its
members to endorse any statement, organization, or purpose is prohibited,
unless explicit permission has been given by the Skyscraper Safety